BRNC Dartmouth Sep 75



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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is attending?  On the secure area of our web-site is a list of the term mates we have been able to contact so far.  Many have indicated their intention to attend and, as we near the date we will indicate on the list those who are definitely attending.

What will it Cost?  Meals on Friday evening and Saturday lunchtime are to be arranged and paid for on an individual basis.  The estimated costs for other elements are:

Trip on Kingswear Castle £15 per head
Guided tour of the college (check)  £5 per head
Mess Dinner – estimated cost  £xx-xx per head
Wardroom Lunch  £5.50 per head.


How / When do I pay? We plan to issue a booking form during April and ask for this to be returned by the end of June with a refundable deposit of [£20] per head.  We will ask for the balance and final confirmation of attendance by 1 September.  You will be advised of the sort code and bank account number with the booking form

Is Accommodation provided?  The college is not able to provide accommodation.  There is an abundance of hotels in Dartmouth and the South Hams.

Can I park my car in the College Grounds?  You may park your car in the college grounds for the guided tour on Saturday and chapel / lunch on the Sunday.  It will also be possible to bring your car into the college for the dinner on Saturday evening.  However, cars are not permitted to be left in the college overnight.  The college must be informed of your intention to bring a car into the grounds, and the Registration Number, ahead of the event.  The booking form will include a space for this information. 

Do I need Identification?  Yes – photographic identification will be required to gain access to the college grounds and we will need to provide a separate list of attendees to the college for each of the events.

How can I find out more?  Updates will be provided on the website and any questions should be sent to the webmaster who will pass them to the most appropriate member of the organising committee for a response.

Can I help the team?  Yes please.  We are still tracing former term-mates so if you have address details for anyone who appears on the term list who has not yet been successfully contacted, please ask them to get in touch with the webmaster.  We need a number of volunteers to act as the focal point for the major events over the weekend, effectively to act as ‘class leader’, see details below.  We have also established a web-site and would be grateful for photographs from the period we were at Dartmouth or in the training ship. 

Kingswear Castle Trip We would like one volunteer to check that all those planning to attend are present.
College Tour We would like one volunteer to check that all those planning to attend are present and to ensure that the college security staff have a list of attendees and vehicle details
The Mess Dinner (Seating Plan) We would like one, or possibly 2 volunteers, ideally someone who can visit the college in the week before the dinner to organise the seating plan.
The Mess Dinner (Attendance) We would like one volunteer to check that all those planning to attend are present and to ensure that the college security staff has a list of attendees and vehicle details.
Chapel /Lunch We would like one volunteer to check that all those planning to attend are present and to ensure that the college security staff has a list of attendees and vehicle details


I have special dietary requirements needs, will these be catered for?  Yes, you will be asked to indicate any special dietary requirements on the booking form and the college has indicated that these can be coped with.

Will there be a ‘memento’?  We do not currently plan to arrange a memento but if there is sufficient interest, and a volunteer to take the lead, we will consider doing so.  We hope that photographs of the event will be posted on the web-site to provide a cheap but enduring record of the weekend.

Will my personal details be accessible to other term mates and/or the wider public? Your email addresses and other contact details are being held by 2 of the organising committee and will be only used to send information to you about the event.  We will not publish this information on the web-site.  If you wish to regain contact with a long lost colleague, please send an email to the webmaster and he will forward it.

Is there a plan for further reunions?  We will ask for your feedback after the event about the possibility of organising future event, perhaps at 45 and 50 years on.  Our experience in organising this event has shown that, if held at the college, it is necessary to book very early.  We are aware that some terms have organised reunion dinners in London which may be logistically simpler but provides less time to catch up with old friends. 

Who is the ‘Team’?  At present the organising team is:

Planning    Nick Sealey
Building the contact list Alan Cartwright and Jerry Hall
Treasurer  Jeff Smallwood
Webmaster   Jim Palmer.


We have been in contact with a small group of term mates to act as a sounding board and help ensure the event is memorable but not too complicated.  These include:  Sir Trevor Soar, Gordon Lester, Richard Sadler, Nick Funnell.  A number of others are helping us track down former term mates.