BRNC Dartmouth Sep 75



Need to get in touch? Use this page..

Contact Us

To send us a message, complete the form below and click the [Submit] button.

There was a problem with your submission. Errors are displayed below in red.

" id="contact_form">
From: Please enter your name here.
Email: Please enter your email here.
Message: Please enter your message here.

Alternatively, email one of us directly by clicking on the links below:
$value) { if (!is_array($key)) { // sanitize the input data if ($key != 'cf_message') $value = strip_tags($value); $_POST[$key] = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(trim($value))); } } //Load variables from the received form $from = @$_POST['cf_from']; $email = @$_POST['cf_email']; $cmessage = @$_POST['cf_cmessage']; printf("Input: %s %s %s
", $from, $email, $cmessage); //Error check the form $errors = array(); // initialize empty error array if (strlen($from) == 0) { // need a name $errors['from_error'] = 'Please enter your Name here.
'; } if (strlen($email) < 5) { // no email address given $errors['email_error'] = 'An Email address is required.
'; } else if(!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){ // invalid email format $errors['email_error'] = "Sorry, this Email address doesn't look right - please can you check it or use a different email address?
"; } if (strlen($cmessage) < 2) { // no message entered $errors['cmessage_error'] = 'A valid message is required.
'; } //Check up & react to any errors if (sizeof($errors) == 0) { // no errors, action the entry //printf("No errors - action joining emails
"); $message = '' . '' . '

' . "Dear " . $from . "

" . "Thank you for sending a message to the Dartmouth 75 Reunion Committee. A copy of your message is below:" ."

" ."".$cmessage."" ."

" ."Many Thanks

Jim Palmer.
Dartmouth 75 Reunion Webmaster

"; $message = wordwrap($message, 70); //printf("From: %s, To: %s
", $GLOBALS['dc_sender'], $email); if ($GLOBALS['DEBUG_MODE'] == 0) { mail( $email, $GLOBALS['dc_msg_subject'], $message, "From: {$GLOBALS['dc_sender']}\r\nReply-To:" . " {$GLOBALS['dc_sender']}\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0"); } //And notify the webmaster $message = '' . '' . '

' .'

The following Contact Form message has been received;
' .'

' .'' .'
'; $message = wordwrap($message, 70); if ($GLOBALS['DEBUG_MODE'] == 0) { mail( $GLOBALS['dc_recipient'], $GLOBALS['dc_msg_subject'], $message, "From: {$GLOBALS['dc_sender']}\r\nReply-To:" . " {$GLOBALS['dc_sender']}\r\nContent-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0"); } $_SESSION['dartconform']['error'] = false; // no error with form $_SESSION['dartconform']['success'] = true; // message sent } else { printf("No of Errors = %s
", sizeof($errors)); //if there are arrors on the form, save the entries to re-populate the form $_SESSION['dartconform']['cf_from'] = $from; $_SESSION['dartconform']['cf_email'] = $email; $_SESSION['dartconform']['cf_cmessage'] = $cmessage; foreach($errors as $key => $error) { // set up error messages to display with each field $_SESSION['dartconform'][$key] = "$error"; } $_SESSION['dartconform']['error'] = true; // set error flag } } // POST else { //printf("New form, nothing entered yet."); } } $_SESSION['dartconform']['success'] = false; // clear success value after running ?>